The ONLY solution that creates, tracks, approves, and files all types of essential construction paperwork in seconds, not hours.
How ContractsConnected Works
Just a few clicks to manage all back-office paperwork.
Transform from chaos to clarity in 4 simple steps.
Automatically Create Documents
Create and fill contract templates and package documents customized for your project with just a few clicks.
Use your templates
Perfectly filled documents
Unlimited documents
Send & Track With One Click
With a single click, send a complete contract package with unlimited attachments and instantly start tracking the status of all documents, like contracts, COIs, W9s, and more.
No more emailing contracts
No Excel trackers for documents
Real-time dashboard reporting
Collect Submissions Automatically
Vendors upload documents directly through your portal for effortless collection and tracking, while recurring requests for items like insurance certificates, lien waivers, and invoices are automatically managed for you.
Automatic tracking and collection
Automatic recurring requests
No manual follow-ups
File, Track, and Organize Instantly
Keep your contracts and documents securely stored, perfectly organized, and always within reach—without ever downloading an attachment to your computer. All documents are tracked to ensure 100% collection and completion.
Complete document tracking
No manual downloads
Quick document retrieval
We Know Construction
Created By A General Contractor
Born from frustration. This was built to solve the headaches around document management, compliance, and transparency that every contractor faces.
Outdated Processes Meet A Modern Solution
Say goodbye to the headaches of managing contracts and compliance documents, and experience a smoother, faster process from start to finish.